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123swap Token Represents Voting Power on a Blockchain Project

Why Blockchain

It’s a technology that financial institutions are using to transport money from one place to another swiftly, securely, and safely. Voting in Australia, in our opinion, should be quick, efficient, safe, and secure. That’s what it should be. If Blockchain is successful in the financial sector, it may be successful in politics as well.

When voting, make certain that no one else may vote in your place or vote more than once in a single election in your name. Blockchain technology might help make Australian elections more dependable. Everything relies on the system’s architecture and operation.

What Is Blockchain?

Experts in Blockchain utilize the analogy of a financial ledger to explain how the technology works. It is only when the information in a financial ledger balances that it may be called accurate. Blockchain voting is based on the principle that votes cast in multiple polling locations across a state or nation must balance with the number of registered voters and the locations registered to vote in each location.

While results are being tabulated, the hacker operating alone or on behalf of an organization or foreign government can alter results practically unnoticed by the system.

Hacking is considerably more difficult and nearly impossible with Blockchain. The reason for this is because a central database cannot give instant checks and balances like Blockchain. Voters may see the results in real-time, including political parties and their candidates, and everyone else participating in the election process can monitor and see what’s going on. It can assist expedite and improving the accuracy of the voting-checking process. If the sums don’t add up, everyone will be aware of the error, and checks may be made to correct it.

A perfect world would have fast, accurate vote tallying that results in minutes rather than hours, days, weeks, or even months.

Is Blockchain Secure?

Security and trust concerns are addressed in many ways by blockchain technology. To begin, all new blocks are kept chronologically and linearly. For the sake of clarity, this means that they are always tacked on to the “tail” end of the chain. A location on the chain called a “height” is assigned to each block in Bitcoin’s Blockchain. The total number of blocks in the world had grown to 656,197 by November 2020.

The majority must agree to change the contents of a block after it has been put to the Blockchain’s end. Else it is exceedingly impossible to go back and do so. Due to the block’s hash and the preceding block’s hash, in addition to the time stamp already mentioned, each block has its unique hash. A hash code is generated when a math function transforms digital data into a string of numbers and letters. The hash code changes whenever the data is modified in any manner.

Why does that matter in terms of security? Think about it this way: suppose a hacker wants to change the Blockchain to take everyone’s Bitcoin for himself. If they made any changes to their single copy, it would throw off the alignment of the other copies. This one copy will stand out when everyone compares their copies, and the hacker’s version of the chain will be thrown out as bogus.

The hacker would have to gain control and make changes to 51% of the blockchain copies for their new copy to become the majority copy and, therefore, the agreed-upon chain to succeed. They’d need a lot of money and resources to rewrite all the blocks as the timestamps, and hash codes would be different this time.

Because of the scale and speed of the Bitcoin network, it would be impossible to pull off such a feat. It would be incredibly costly, but it’s also unlikely to provide any results. Making such a change would draw the attention of other network users, who would be shocked to see the Blockchain altered in such away. The network members would then transfer funds to a new chain that the first attack had not impacted.

Bitcoin’s value plummets when this happens, making the assault moot because the bad guy now has a worthless item. An attack on the new Bitcoin fork would have the same result. It’s designed this way to join the network rather than attacking it has a far greater economic incentive.


Token holders on the 123swap platform have complete authority and control. They can cast ballots and participate in decision-making. Tokens that reflect voting power on a blockchain project are known as governance tokens. Since they must share authority and rights to users to stay decentralized, they are typically integrated into DeFi initiatives.

User ideas for governance can be created and voted on with 123swap tokens. A protocol’s direction and features are thus directly influenced by its actions.


Swap123 has added the letter “De” to the DeFi platform as part of its governance tokens.

Involved communities

Because users have both a purpose and a mechanism to actively shape a project’s route and direction, governance results in more participatory communities.

Collaboration Opportunities

After voting, there is a debate, and a discussion opens the door for collaboration.

Efficient development

Governance models make it simpler for developers to arrive at real solutions and put the improvements in place that their communities have requested.

Final Thoughts

Blockchain voting is based on the principle that votes cast in multiple polling locations across a state or nation must balance with the number of registered voters. If the sums don’t add up, everyone will be aware of the error, and checks may be made to correct it. The total number of blocks in the world had grown to 656,197 by November 2020. A hash code is generated when a math function transforms digital data into a string of numbers and letters. The majority must agree to change the contents of a block after it has been put to the Blockchain’s end.

An attack on the new Bitcoin fork would have the same result. Tokens that reflect voting power on a blockchain project are known as governance tokens.  They can cast ballots and participate in decision-making.

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