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5 tips for child safety on the internet

In a universe that is difficult to control, parents and guardians need to surround themselves with all the tools and actions possible. Prevention takes care, for example, that children consume inappropriate content or come into contact with strangers. They must also be protected from routine exposures, which make them vulnerable.

Setting limits and imposing control from the first contact with the online universe is the most advisable. This even makes it easier to make the power of internet users more flexible over the years, when there is maturity.

Let’s know some tips for the safety of children on the internet? Follow us and understand why they are so important to the little ones.

5 tips for child safety on the internet

Knowing the traces that children leave on the internet is essential to avoid problems. There are several risks involving overexposure and the safety of minors.

Making use of some simple care and talking to the little ones, everything becomes easier. Thus, children can enjoy the internet in a healthy way, which, whether they like it or not, is part of the current reality. Let’s check out some simple tips!

1. Privacy Control

The first, and most important, tip for child safety on the internet is to control.

Having privacy management is one of the essential items that should be taken very seriously by parents and guardians. Some tools and devices allow parents to block certain websites and apps.

In addition, it is necessary to register an adult’s email address and, if possible, a remote access program for the smartphone or tablet, which alerts whenever the child tries to access something beyond what is allowed on the device.

2. Have free access to profiles on social networks

A child is a child and needs to be seen, helped, and guided as such. That’s why parents need full access to everything their kids do online.

The ideal is not to allow the little ones to have profiles on the network. However, we know that as children get older and reach puberty, it becomes more difficult to resist constant requests.

When that stage arrives, create a profile for yourself and your child. In other words, have a username, and password and enter your email address to receive notifications and any changes to privacy.

Advise not to leave the profile open and to add only known people. And, of course, at least once a week access the account to perform a scan.

3. Blocking inappropriate websites

Continuing with the tips for the safety of children on the internet, we need to talk about limits.

Whenever possible, restrict your child’s access to websites, applications, and platforms that may provide age-sensitive content.

Streaming platforms already have this option as soon as the profile is created. Most browsers used on notebooks, tablets, and smartphones also allow you to block certain addresses.

Talk to your child from the first online steps, and say that whenever it is necessary to research, download or watch something, it is necessary to ask for help and permission. Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are, it’s impossible to block everything. Therefore, the child needs to feel secure with each new step.

4. Access restriction

It is impossible to keep the little ones away from technology. As much as parents avoid handing cell phones and tablets into their hands in early childhood, that time will come sooner or later.

One of the best tips for child safety on the internet is to reserve a device just for them. In this way, it is possible to restrict access to a number of applications, websites, and platforms. As? This way:

Remember that children are not very discerning about what is right and wrong. Therefore, it is important for parents to be aware, guide, and limit their virtual steps.

5. Limit exposure

We have reached an era where everyone wants to be successful online. Go viral, become a meme and conquer thousands of followers. However, when we talk about children, it is important that we care about their privacy.

This means that if you allow, share or create a profile for your child on social media, it is essential that you do not expose data and references. That is, nothing that anyone who sees can associate with the reality and routine of the child. Some examples are:

Your role as a parent is to limit who will have access to your son or daughter’s networks. That is, control as much as possible who will be allowed to follow the child’s routine. Constantly look at the account and don’t allow the child to respond to anyone – who is not extremely trustworthy – in private messages.

Always keep the dialogue open with your child

Children need to be helped and guided from their first years of life, and they also need to understand why they can or cannot do certain things.

It is necessary to break the barrier that, for many years, was imposed by a patriarchal and authoritarian society. In it, adults dictated rules, and children and teenagers just obeyed. This kind of behavior, ingrained in society around the world, has given rise to a generation of adults who have grown accustomed to hiding facts about themselves from their parents.

The sooner you make yourself available to talk about everything with your child, the easier it will be for him to fully trust you. This makes everything more relaxed, the child does not put up barriers and their online behavior is shared more frankly and honestly.

When you tell a child that they cannot access such content, or that they need supervision, it is important to explain the reasons behind this imposed limit. Always in an accessible way, using figures of speech and examples that make up your universe.

Don’t threaten, turn your back, or fight. Dialogue, explain, and make yourself available to help whenever necessary.

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