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What is Cryptocurrency? A best Guide

Cryptocurrency is a virtual money type. In this type of currency, we can exchange the values within the hidden information. It made by the two words Crypto & Currency means data encryption (converting data or information into a code for protect too sensitive information online) & currency mean the medium of exchange. It’s an alternative form of currency in cash or credit/debit cards. It is not authorized by any government, bank or men. People can use it for online transactions or online shopping. Bitcoin was first cryptocurrency and it was released in 2009 by Satoshi. For trading online in bitcoin you can use this app

What is blockchain?

In a blockchain, all transactions of network members are stored. It’s a combination of computers connected to each other, and not connected to the central server. All computers connected to one network. When a new transaction appears all computers copied it. It cannot be changed without the consent of all network participants. Blockchain technology is very widely used in global payment system. It is also actively used in research, medicine, management, politics, education, etc

What is cryptocurrency mining?

The process in which new transaction is checked and new blocks are added to the blockchain. It solves complex cryptocurrency tasks. Mining is the one possible earning of cryptocurrency. For creating each new block miner gets a good reward. In addition the complexity of mining increases. 

Why cryptocurrency is most trusted exchange?

Advantages of cryptocurrency

Disadvantages of cryptocurrency


The future of cryptocurrency could be so bright if some conditions fulfilled. It facilitating trade, cost reduction, Bitcoin and other known cryptocurrency have the ability to replace traditional payment methods. But to achieve that and become a dominant power in global system payment they must overcome to critical challenges. As Bill Gates (co-founder of Microsoft) also said about it that, if there was any easy way of getting Bitcoin shorted, I will do it. It’s mean it’s too much required for cryptocurrency to made it easy and user friendly for have a good future.

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