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How to survive a Hurricane?

While storms are unpredictable, there are still so many things you can do to prepare for one.

Depending on what part of the country you live in, hurricanes are often a seasonal threat that most residents must always be on standby for.

And while hurricanes may seem like a scary thing, doing a few simple steps for preparation will help you and your household get through these storms in the best way possible.

As people often say, it is better to be over-prepared than under-prepared! So without further ado, here are our top ways to pre-plan so that you can survive a hurricane.

1: Create a plan of action

One of the best ways to be prepared and survive a hurricane is to have a plan that everyone knows! When hurricanes approach, there is little time to discuss—have those conversations ahead of time so that everyone can take action immediately! Things to establish in the plan should include things like an evacuation route, meeting points, and key contact numbers.

2: Have an emergency kit

In general, you should always have an emergency kit in your home. But if you live in a hurricane-prone area, you should most definitely have one set aside! This includes bandages, canned food, bottled water, flashlights, blankets, and a Patriot Power Generator! That way, no matter what happens to your home during a storm you will always have the essentials to survive!

3: Have backups of your documents

You will want to know that all of your documents are safe and sound even if a hurricane comes rolling through. This means that your insurance policies, social security, birth certificates, and other essential forms should be stored away in a waterproof deposit box along with being stored digitally online. That way no matter what happens to your house, you know that your essential documents to help you move on are always accessible to you with a low risk of damage.

4: Know how to turn off your utilities

It is always hazardous to mix electricity with water. So when hurricanes are predicted to come through your community, you should know in advance where your master switches are and how to turn your gas, water, and electricity off! That way you can do so quickly when notified of the storm and don’t risk fires or worse flooding to occur to your home.

5: Have outdoor furniture that you can easily move

Part of having a home is outdoor furniture to create a living space in your front and backyard. However, during a hurricane, these pieces of furniture can become hazardous and cause harm to both you, your family, and your neighbors. So make sure to invest in outdoor furniture that you can easily move inside during a storm so it doesn’t get blown all over the place.

6: Have back up communication channels

It is always recommended to have more than one source of communication in preparation for a hurricane. This means that you should have backup phones, walkie talkies, and radios accessible to you so that you can always stay informed with the pre and post happenings of a storm. Communication is key to surviving one of these as it determines the fast actions you need to take to stay safe.

Hurricane may seem scary, and many are. But with these six tips to prepare in advance for a storm, you will be better prepared to ride out the storm in safety and come out okay on the other side. Have a backup power generator, establish an evacuation plan, and have multiple channels of communication. With these and more, you will be able to survive a hurricane. 

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