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Low-Cost Alternative to BrowserStack

BrowserStack is a cross-platform browser and application testing solution that makes use of actual devices (not emulators). Your site or application will be viewed on many live browsers by a network of actual machines that are connected to the Internet. Although BrowserStack has a vast network of different sorts of devices, many users say that the platform is sluggish. Therefore we have compiled the best browserstack alternatives available in the market right now.

No matter what you’re testing, you’ll be able to use these options to make your web application better.

Why Perform Cross-Browser Tests?

When deploying a web-based application, you must ensure that it renders appropriately on all devices. There are a variety of ways to access it, such as using an Android smartphone, using Safari on a Mac, and even using IE on Windows 7. Android 6.0, which was introduced six years ago, is still used by 4% of the population.

Every gadget on the market can’t be used to test your app or website in its entirety. It’s not just that every machine is different; each browser also has several iterations; some have hundreds. Netflix is a better example of a service like this. Some individuals will see it on their mobile phones based on where a person is, while some will use it on their laptops.

Within three seconds, 53% of mobile users leave the application if not satisfied. That is nearly half! That is why cross-browser diagnostic tools may be quite beneficial. If you use them, you may run tests on hundreds of different devices and browsers in order to find any bugs.

Best BrowserStack Alternatives


This browser compatibility tool can test more than 2000 genuine browsers and OS systems. Multi-browser analysis, geolocation testing, visual UI evaluating, and adaptive testing are just some of the capabilities of LambdaTest.

It also allows users to capture full-page screenshots of websites across on-demand gadgets, software platforms, browsers, and displays and integrate with project management and issue tracking programs.


Kobiton is a mobile experience framework that speeds the development and testing of mobile applications by providing manual and automated testing on actual devices, in the cloud or on-premises. Unprecedented flexibility allows you to create the ideal mobile device testing cloud.

Real-Device Assessment, Scriptless Automation, and Structural, Graphical, and Quality Testing on a Single Platform are the best options for businesses looking for a complete mobile testing solution. It incorporates real-world device testing into CI/CD procedures to speed up app delivery.


Interactive testing on live remote devices is possible with CrossBrowserTesting, which allows you to see websites across many browsers at once, conduct automated tests using Selenium and other tools, capture the test cases, and playback them on numerous browsers. The solution, by the way, is fully integrated with Jenkins and provides direct access to testing tools.


For mobile and online testing, the Perfecto tool covers a wide variety of browsers and their versions. In order to achieve continuous integration, Perfecto offers remote app debugging, powerful analytics, and automated testing capabilities.

You may test the globalization of web apps with this tool. All of your current procedures and team’s tools are compatible with Perfecto.

Ranorex Design Studio

Ranorex Studio is yet another tool and a BrowserStack alternative for cross-browser compatibility testing. Incorporating object identification, test healing, audiovisual reporting, and PDF validation into a single system is a significant step forward. Integrations with Jira, Jenkins, and more are available in Ranorex Studio. C# may also be used to write test scripts.

RanorXPath and Ranorex Spy, two GUI object identification tools included with Ranorex Studio, may be used with the software. In the program, these tools aid in the identification, editing, and management of UI components.

The TestCafe Studio

Unlike BrowserStack, there is both a free and a paid edition of TestCafe available. For free, you’ll have to utilize a less user-friendly open-source version that lacks the Visual Recorder. Visual Recorder is the tool that will allow you to perform tests without having to write any code.


Datadog is an autonomous browser testing solution that lets you perform automatic browser tests without writing any code. It is possible to create automated tests by using a visual web recorder, which allows you to capture the activities you took during your first test.

The tests are self-updating, and you will be able to see screenshots of the results as they are generated. Datadog is a lot less expensive than BrowserStack in this comparison. Actually, it costs less than half of what it did before.

When building a website, it’s crucial to test it across many browsers. By running these tests, you’ll be able to see if your website and all of its elements are being shown and working correctly on the specified browsers or devices. Cross-browser compatibility is essential to providing a great user experience.

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