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Plagiarism-Free Academic Services App Review

Students are bound to take inspiration from dozens of sources while writing an academic paper. However, if you are not careful while referring, there is a high probability that you repeat phrases from sources. Plagiarism is unacceptable in the literary and academic community. It is necessary to ensure that your works are completely original and stand up to a good reputation.

There are numerous services online where students can receive a plagiarism-free paper. One can also double-check the final product by running it through detection software. This will guarantee that you are not accused of any misconduct.

The question is which of these services are authentic. Here we are going to make a short review of the best plagiarism-free academic services students can use.

1. EssayPro

Students need a writing service that is reliable, professional and can offer quick turnarounds. EssayPro offers the best solution for all these requirements. With a trained team of professional writers, EssayPro offers a wide range of academic services from admission essays, college essays, term papers, research papers, to even dissertations.

Via this link,  students can request any assignment the platform and be sure that all the papers completed by EssayPro writers are 100% original. They can write tasks even with tight deadlines to help students struggling to complete tough papers on time.

2. Grammarly

Grammarly serves as an essential tool for all writers, including students. Popularly known as an editing app, Grammarly also comes with proofreading tools. They are beneficial to check the quality of your academic papers. Apart from the grammar and spelling checks, the premium version also offers a plagiarism check of the content.

The app will compare your document to millions of websites and display which parts need alteration. If needed, you can send the document to human proofreaders. They will review your writing and provide inputs.

3. PaperRater

PaperRater offers three tools in one. It is a plagiarism checker, vocabulary builder, and a proofreader. The tool is excellent for thorough checking of the grammatical errors in your content. Developed by industry experts to offer accurate results in a matter of seconds, PaperRater is one of the free tools available for students to wipe their documents clean of any mistakes.

The service is free for up to 10 plagiarism checks per month beyond which you will need a premium version. Paid users can also do an enhanced plagiarism check, and download the reports with originality score.

4. Plagiarisma

Some software also detects content plagiarised from other languages. That is why it is crucial to verify your academic papers across multiple services to save yourself from the embarrassment of being accused of accidental plagiarism. Plagiarisma supports more than 190 languages, allowing checking by several file types and extensions. You can use the app as an add-on to determine the uniqueness of your paper straight from the browser.

Plagiarisma not only checks for originality but also looks into websites like Google scholar to correct missing citations and quotation marks. Students can also make use of their paraphrasing tool to rewrite the article to remove any replication.

5. Scholar Plagiarism

Academic papers require a lot more attention than blog content. Even with proper citations, it is possible that you might have unintentionally copied some phrases or ideas. Scholar Plagiarism offers an exclusive analysis of academic papers to protect students from copyright infringement. This online app is free to use, with the tool scanning the entire web for similarities.

The tool also covers databases such as Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic to provide accurate results finding the key sentences and not strings of matching words. The website follows Google’s index and enables the user to create a whitelist, which is useful in case if the user has a copyright for the content.

6. Quetext

With a minimalistic layout and interface, Quetext strikes as an app that offers all the merits of a plagiarism checker. The tool is entirely free but comes with a few extended services if you opt for a premium plan. Students can additionally use the tool as a citation assistant for three different styles.

There is also an option to download the report and an interactive snippet enabling editing right in the platform. The Deepsearch technology will cover websites, articles and also online textbooks. All to provide you with completely plagiarism-free content.

7. Unicheck

If you are looking for sophisticated software that esteemed universities and colleges use for checking plagiarism, then Unickeck is a good option. The app looks into more than 40 billion web pages, educational databases and libraries to assess your document. Students can then receive an all-inclusive report, and make changes to see the quality of paper improving.

Unicheck is a cloud-based platform allowing you to store all the relevant reports in your account to retrieve when necessary. The app is not free, but students can personalize the payment depending on how many pages they need to verify.

Final Words

It is becoming increasingly important for students and teachers to deliver original papers. The ramifications of plagiarism could get one expelled and follow your entire career. So make sure that you do a thorough examination and proofreading to safeguard your academic papers from receiving a poor grade.

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