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Productivity and Time Management – How To Improve Them?

Even though it’s often mentioned, only a few people know what productivity really is. Simply put, it’s a measurement of efficiency – a relation between input and output. While it’s both subjective and objective, everyone strives to be as productive as possible. Many people mistake productivity with being busy and working all the time, which can render their efforts useless.

Due to the overall complex nature of this concept, it’s important that you choose only the tried and tested ways. Although their efficiency can vary from person to person, they’re fairly easy to implement in your day-to-day life. As long as you remain persistent, the results are almost guaranteed.

  1. Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time

When people try to organize themselves better, time is usually the only factor which they consider. It’s fairly easy to schedule the constant 24 hours that come with each day, but your energy is prone to variations. It depends on how much you slept, whether you have any personal issues, weather and a plethora of other things. You’ll almost certainly realize that you aren’t actually short on time, but on energy. If you neglect yourself, you’ll quickly wear out and lose motivation to do anything. Take a bit of time at the beginning of each day to reflect on how you feel. Reserve some part of the day for rest and see how your productivity will improve.

  1. Prepare the Night Before

Planning your next day right before you go to sleep will help you get started as soon as you wake up. However, since you can’t know what your energy levels will be like in advance, keep some open room for potential rest. A to-do list is a good way to have some basic goals, but still quite nonrestrictive so that you can modify it accordingly.

  1. Leave Your Phone/Turn It Off

Constant distractions are the biggest banes of productivity. Once you get a phone notification while you’re working, your concentration immediately drops. Even just having it in the same room can have a negative impact, which is why the distance between you and your phone is so important. The best course of action would be to leave it in another room where you can keep it off your mind. Alternatively, you can just turn it off, but this method is slightly less efficient.

  1. Sit or Stand Up

Remaining in the same spot for longer periods of time can make you feel sleepy and fatigued, especially if you’re sitting down. Standing up and taking a brisk walk every so often can be refreshing and potentially give you a boost that you need. In addition, studies show that standing up while you’re working can significantly reduce your chances of developing some of the more major health problems. On the other hand, if you spend your working hours mostly standing up, you should sit every once in a while.

  1. Use Special Tools

– Pomodoro Timer

This useful utility implements the so-called “Pomodoro Technique”, which defines exactly how long you should work for followed by short/long breaks. They’re usually in the intervals of 25/5/10 minutes, but you can modify them to suit your style. It’s easy, simple and effective.

– Audext

Audext is an automated audio to text transcriber that relieves you of tedious manual typing when you have long audio files. Its AI based algorithms are able to do all of the work in just a fraction of the time, which is a significant productivity increase if you’re a student, podcaster or someone who needs to have access to written material. Users also have access to a built-in text editor if they decide to do some additional work, which is especially useful since you won’t have to waste time on downloading an additional tool. You simply upload the file and leave the rest to the automated system.. The security measures in place keep your mind at peace regarding the safety of your files.

– Google’s Toolbox

Calendar, Drive, Analytics, Keep are just some of the useful apps developed by Google, specifically aimed to increase your productivity. Most of them are fully web-based and free for personal use, which means that you can start using them immediately. Additionally, all Google apps connect directly to your Gmail account so that you can easily track your progress.

  1. Develop A Routine To Start Your Day

There’s a good reason why many people implement early stretching/exercising – it’s an effective way to kickstart your body and prepare for the day. Even if you’re not a morning person, having something to stick to can help you develop a routine in the long run. Morning is also the best time to do all of the tedious and boring work, since that’s when your energy levels are at their highest. Keep track of how you’re feeling during this routine, and implement any changes that you think would suit your day better.

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