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The Do’s and Don’ts of Website Design

The Do’s and Don’ts of Website Design



A modern business cannot overstate the importance of the online marketplace. With 12.4% of all retail sales in the United States a direct result of e-commerce, your website is more important than ever to get your product out there. As the first impression, you will make on a potential customer, your website should be beautiful, functional, and efficient. With that in mind, here are good and bad practices for custom web design in Miami.

Understanding Web Design 

What is it?

Before we can talk about the actual do’s and don’ts of custom web design in Miami, we need to understand what web design is in the first place. Too many people believe that web design only relates to how a website looks. Although that’s not entirely untrue, it doesn’t paint the full picture.

Web design focuses on not just the aesthetics of a website, but also its functionality and user experience. This means that a web designer works on the layout and content of the site as part of the process of creating an overall flow and feel that encapsulates the vision of a website.

Why Does Web Design Matter?

How your website looks, feels, and functions has a direct effect on how many people are willing to engage and browse through what you have to offer. Making a great first impression with your site is the first step in bringing in new clients. You’ve got to do it quickly because the average user makes up their mind about a website in little-to-no time!

What to Do and What Not to Do

DO – Focus on a Good Mobile Experience 

There are two statistics you should keep in mind:

  1. 52% of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones
  2. 40% of users will go with a different result if a website is not mobile-friendly

That should paint the picture. With more and more people choosing to use mobile devices to interact online, it’s clear that the responsiveness of your website on different platforms will be a critical component in the success of your online marketing efforts. In fact, Google even shows preference to sites with a mobile version! What this means to you is increased profitability if you are willing to invest more resources into how your website performs on mobile.

DO – Facilitate Navigation

What is the purpose of your website? Is it to generate leads? Make sales? Offer industry insight? Whatever you are trying to achieve, your site should be designed to lead the users to your end goal while making their experience feel seamless. This means focusing on a visual hierarchy that arranges the elements of your website in such a way that it guides the eye of the user to the section you find most important.

DO – Write Content, but Not too Much 

So, we kind of cheated with this one since it’s both a do and a don’t. The user’s attention span is short. They tend to scan pages quickly or prefer video components to make their browsing experiencing less tolling. This means that the copy found on your website should be interesting enough to grab their attention, while short enough to ensure that they read all of it. This type of content efficiency will guarantee that visitors not only read through your website but also stay on it longer.

The Don’ts 

DON’T – Fill Your Pages with Ads

I know it sounds appealing to cover your website with promotions to drive up sales or make some extra cash from advertisers. However, it’s good to keep in mind that users come to your website for content and information, not pop-ups for products they won’t buy. Having too many ads on your site can be distracting, and it looks unappealing.

DON’T – Trade Functionality for Aesthetic 

It sounds tempting to prioritize the beauty of your site when creating a custom web design in Miami, but that should never interfere with the user experience. Avoid busy backgrounds as well as colors and fonts that make it difficult to read your content. Insufficient color contrast deters from a site’s readability and detracts from the user experience.

DON’T – Be Afraid of White Space

People have this instinctive need to want to fill in empty space. You have to quiet that internal voice when designing a website because whitespace keeps your site from looking crowded. It also serves the function of guiding the viewer to parts of your site you want to highlight as well as making your content easier to digest.

Maximize Your Design Opportunities

This advice will help you avoid rookie mistakes of custom web design in Miami. Finding the balance between beauty and functionality can be difficult. But if you keep in mind the user experience without sacrificing the message of your website, you will be well ahead of the competition.


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