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What are Core Web Vitals?

One of the key factors in modern website ranking is the level of user interaction. According to new search engine algorithms, web resources should be ready for a rapid increase in loading speed in the near future.

At the end of 2020, Google decided to revise its search ranking criteria. The purpose of such manipulations is aimed at improving the quality of search results. As a result, Google specialists presented Core Web Vitals – a new concept of criteria for assessing the quality of sites, which will have a direct impact on the indexing of a resource as early as May 2021.

Core Web Vitals is the new criteria for assessing the quality of websites

Core Web Vitals refers to a specific set of factors that are considered important to the user experience. The announced concept of Core Web Vitals is based on several separate metrics related to user interaction and page load speed:

As a result of this, it can be noted that Core Web Vitals will be a whole list of factors that will form Google’s overall rating of the relative UX level of your website.

Sure thing, there are a huge variety of criteria for ranking web resources, but the Core Web Vitals concept can have a significant impact on the indexing process and work through significant amounts of information. Thus, site loading speed will affect behavioral factors and indexing, which together will act as key criteria for search engine algorithms.

Distinctive Features of Core Web Vitals

A distinctive feature of the Core Web Vitals ranking factors is complete transparency of the ongoing processes. Thus, every website owner will be able to have open and intuitive criteria that can be easily tracked, analyzed, promptly, and regularly improved through the provided set of tools. Besides, before the official launch of Core Web Vitals, there is still time to be in time to improve the website’s performance in advance.

Studies have clearly shown that about half of all users are ready to wait for a full web page to load for up to two seconds. Delaying page load by an additional two seconds leads to bounce rates for about 32% of users. If you need to wait six seconds for a page to load, the bounce rate will rise to 106%. At the same time, the website’s compliance with the Core Web Vitals boundary criteria will help to significantly reduce the number of bounces by 25%. 

If you are eager to study the Core Web Vitals data of your web resource, then they are located inside the Google Search Console account in the “Improvements” section.

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