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What You Gain by Joining a CBD Affiliate program

CBD has gained a lot of attention in recent years for its many benefits as well as its recent legalization. For this reason, a lot of players are now involved in the industry in different ways. While some are cultivators and growers, you will find extractors, manufacturers, retailers, sellers, and the end users as part of the value chain. These sets of people help keep the industry growing and by the year 2022, it is expected that it will be a $23 billion industry. That is huge and you really do not want to miss out on this. 

You can check out this article for more on how big the industry is and lots of people ask about what does cbd feel like reddit

A CBD affiliate program is a marketing program that provides an opportunity for individuals to tap into this huge market. Rather than just being a consumer, you can earn income by simply referring people to buy CBD products from a seller’s website. Before going further to discuss how to get involved in the program, it is important to know what CBD is all about in the first place.

A Look at CBD

CBD or cannabidiol is a substance that is extracted from the cannabis plant, hemp. It has many beneficial uses for the health and wellbeing of both humans and animals. This is because it can be used for the treatment of mild and severe diseases such as arthritis, chronic pain, diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, and many more.

Hemp contains several cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, omega-fatty acids, and essential oils but cannabidiol is the most popular and the most used. When it is extracted as an oil, cannabidiol can be added into several products such as pills and capsules, gummies and chews, sprays, vapes, cigarettes, and so on. It can also be used as an ingredient in food and cosmetic products. CBD does not have hallucinogenic effects because it contains low or no traces of THC; the substance that gives the cannabis plant its psychoactive effect which makes the user high. You can read all about CBD here

What an Affiliate Program Offers

Most people have social media platforms and some have vlogs, blogs, and websites that people visit on a daily basis. These visitors can be converted to customers by inviting them to click on a personal link that leads them directly to a merchant’s website. Individuals can use whatever permitted platform they have to advertise CBD and when they do, they earn commissions for referring people.

To be able to do this, an individual needs to register with a reputable cannabidiol company or merchant who will provide them with a personal link that they can place on all their suitable platforms. You should find out information on requirements, guidelines, commission rates, payments, etc. for whatever program you are interested in before you join. The customized link is what will serve as a connection between the person and the merchant and depending on the traffic from this link, you earn income. This means that the higher the traffic, the higher the income you are going to earn. 

Commissions are usually paid every two weeks or monthly depending on the merchant that you register with. While most companies will pay between 10% -15% as commission, you may be able to get up to 25% to 35% with some other companies. Also, some products may earn more commissions than others.

Right now, you can almost hear many merchants calling out “join our affiliate program and earn more.” It’s up to you to decide which of these calls you can trust and which you can’t.

Becoming a Successful Affiliate

To be a successful affiliate, aside from understanding what cannabidiol is all about, you need to be an effective influencer. You should be able to engage with visitors to your platform as well as write quality content that will draw people to your platform and keep them coming back often. You should be ready to answer any questions they might have and also be able to properly address any of their concerns or worries.

All these will help you build trust such that they will be able to rely on your judgment and follow you. Remember to focus more on passing information than just selling to people. This will help make them understand the benefits they are going to derive from the product, thereby increasing their desire to make a purchase.


Participating in a CBD affiliate program is a rewarding experience in many ways. By simply engaging, encouraging, and educating visitors to your platform on the goodness of cannabidiol and how it works and using the opportunity to encourage them to buy, you can begin to earn income.

It however all begins with partnering with the right merchant.

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