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The Top Affordable Smart Home Gadgets for 2022

It seems as if new products come about every day to make life easier. Thanks to ever-increasing development, what was once futuristic is now the norm. And because the market’s so strong, many of these devices are incredibly affordable. Here’s how you can update your home with the latest smart gadgets without breaking the bank.

​At-Home Smart Device Technology

No matter if you’re a beginner or a tech wizard, 2022 is your year to let loose. Inside and out, you can deck your home with the latest in innovation. Check out these awesome budget-friendly intelligent devices to see what will work for you. Whether you’re searching for amazing products to enhance your life or are interested in retail arbitrage, this could help.

​Premises Protection

The Arlo Pro 4 Spotlight camera is one of the best ways to go for outdoor surveillance and protection. Not only is it weather-resistant, but it provides high-resolution color imagery, day or night. Great for those getting into smart home technology, it’s easy to use and requires no wiring.

The Pro 4 is ahead of the curve in advanced motion-sensing monitoring. With its simple wireless setup, installation is a breeze. Just mount it and link it to the Arlo app for a wealth of options, including zoom, rotation, sirens, and alarms. Plus, it’s compatible with many third-party integrations.

​Upgrade Your Living Room

Convenience is king when it comes to the living room and family room technology. Aside from the typical electronics, one area that shines forth is power control. Instantly turn anything into a smart device when you plug it into the TP-Link Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip HS300. It’s a catch-all design for ease of use and sports three USB ports as well.

The Kasa allows you to command through voice or phone control. There are other intelligent surge protectors less costly than the HS300, but its features far surpass anything else on the market. And remember, you can always save money with Amazon proxies.

​Keep a Cleaner Kitchen

Smart products are a blessing if you have a busy lifestyle and are always on the go. The iRobot Braava Jet 240 is a gadget that tops the list of lifestyle upgrades. Built for smaller areas like kitchens and bathrooms, not only does it sweep, but it mops!

The iRobot has three different cleaning levels and is keenly aware of its surroundings. It has stellar navigational abilities and features a Virtual Barrier to prevent wandering off. If an unexpected barrier such as a pet crosses its path, the Jet will sense it and not continue any activity, including spraying.

​An Upscale Bathroom

The Wyze Scale is a staggeringly affordable smart product for your bathroom. Stay on pace with your weight loss goals or follow your muscle building. With the ability to measure BMI, fat and water percentages, protein levels, muscle mass, and heart rate, this device packs a big punch at a small price.

Connect the Wyze Scale to your phone via Bluetooth, download the Wyze app, and you’re ready to go. It syncs and recognizes up to eight different users. Plus, it has a sleek and modern look that seems more like a piece of art than a technological device.

​Bedroom Mood Lighting

If you’re looking for something that’s just plain cool, try the Govee Lyra Floor Lamp. This minimalist contemporary aluminum design is a whole bunch of fun! It’s voice-activated and features over 60 effects and 16 million colors, so your lighting options are unlimited.

The Govee app allows you to get creative with your ambient light. And as a bonus, you can show off your custom coloring effects within Govee’s DIY community. Enhance the tone of your bedroom with this awesome gadget.

​Garage Technology

Elevate your garage to new heights with the Genie SilentMax Connect Garage Door Opener. Link it to your Wi-Fi and control its function, from preferred rules for opening and closing or even scheduling. If you want a smart device that isn’t going to cost an arm and a leg, it’s smooth, quiet, and worth every penny.

The SilentMax is a great bridge for someone new to smart devices. It’s affordable and offers an excellent way to learn the ropes of intelligent technology.

​The Wrap-Up

This list compiles just a fraction of the available smart options in today’s market. Touching on just a few ideas, you can see that intelligent technology has found its way into most aspects of life, adding convenience, safety, security, and even a bit of fun!

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