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Top Hair Thinning Solutions

You might be one of 22 million individuals in the United States suffering from hair thinning. Maybe you are just noticing it start to thin, or maybe you are someone who is on the verge of balding and are just starting to take action. No matter what part of the hair thinning process you are in, you know how frustrating and embarrassing it can be. Keep reading below to find the top hair thinning solutions to help you control your hair loss. No matter your budget and hair type, there are products for everyone. READ The best shampoo for hair growth for your hair solution.

Laser Hair Caps

FDA-cleared laser hair growth caps are newer to the hair growth industry market. They use low level light therapy to treat hair loss on the scalps of men and women. This laser treatment has been around since the 1960’s but has lately been introduced to devices designed for at home use. They are made to produce thicker, fuller hair.

A laser hair growth cap is for both men and women suffering from all levels of hair loss but are not recommended for individuals who are completely bald and trying to regrow their hair. The technology of low-level light therapy (LLLT) is emitted through medical grade laser diodes in the caps to penetrate the scalp tissue. From here, blood flow is circulated throughout the head and regenerates cells in the hair follicles to promote new growth. This non-invasive, non-chemical treatment option ranks it high on our top hair thinning solutions list.


If you are beginning to experience hair thinning, do not be alarmed as it can be treated. A non-invasive foam treatment known as Rogaine is a great place to start. To use this supplement, simply apply and massage the foam into your scalp twice daily. Rogaine is a very reliable way to combat hair thinning and it has been on the market for a very long time.

If used as directed, customers can expect to see results in the 6-9-month time frame. However, don’t expect this product to create luscious hair. Rogaine is used to slow down and prevent further hair loss and thinning. This solution is used on the front and back of the scalp and patients are advised to apply the foam to the crown of the head as well as the hairline. Rogaine works best with people suffering from hereditary hair loss. Studies have found that applying Rogaine has been shown to prevent hair loss and thinning among 50% of men and women.

Hair Restoration 

If you suffer from extensive hair loss and have tried “everything” to combat your hair thinning, hair restoration might be for you. These are done by medical professionals who specialize in surgeries to help men and women save their hair. There are different types of surgeries that can be performed on the individual depending on the extent of hair loss and background.

As you can imagine, since this is a cosmetic surgery, it is more costly and is invasive. Hair restoration surgeries are for individuals who have more money to spend on treatments and who do not mind going through a surgical procedure. The time to recover from this treatment is also important to take into consideration when trying to decide if it will be best for you.


This background information should be able to help you choose which hair thinning treatment option will be the best for you. If you are wanting a non-invasive treatment, lean towards laser caps or Rogaine. You will not need to prepare for surgery or recovery time. These two products are also best for individuals who cannot afford a hair restoration surgery. If you are looking for a completely natural way to regrow your hair, steer towards the laser hair growth hats.

Hair restoration surgeries are a great option for individuals who want an “overnight” treatment option. This is the quickest way to improve the quality of your hair. Make sure you research the treatment option as well as the surgeons near you. It is recommended to consult your physician or dermatologist before making any decisions.

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