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How Agile Is the Best Approach for Mobile App Development

The definition of agility is an ability to make quick changes on short notice. This is a trait that’s needed in business today since the scope of technology is constantly changing and companies are innovating. To stay ahead in the competition, a business needs agility and adaptability.

One way for a mobile apps development company to stay ahead is to use the right approach to developing its next app. There are plenty of different techniques to use, so choosing the right one can pose a challenge.

For this purpose, though, one of the best decisions available to developers is a method that’s called Agile methodology. This methodology depends on the ability of a team to take quick action without sacrificing its efficiency. These are some of the top benefits that Agile methodology offers to app developers.

Benefits of Adopting Agile Methodology In App Development

Focuses on Rapid Production

According to AppInventiv, the average app development period is roughly broken up into three periods: research and brainstorming, planning, and then development. They estimate that with all of these steps, the average app development period takes about 13 weeks.

The main goal of Agile approach is to cut down on the standard development period. It’s a technique that values quick thinking and rapid action, so it cuts out a lot of the extra time that most app developers use without a method like this.

Puts a Focus On Collaboration

When many companies are developing an app, they make a mistake that wastes both time and money. That is, they create an app without much outside consultation to what they believe a client or consumer’s specifications are.

Unfortunately, this means that there are often when something about an app doesn’t work and needs replacing after it’s presented. Companies can cut down on this risk by using the agile strategies for constant collaboration and open discussion throughout an app’s development process.

Driven by Results

When you’re in the middle of developing an app, it’s easy to get lost in details. There’s so much to do that it doesn’t take long before developers are so focused on the moving pieces of a project that they get distracted by the big picture.

With an agile methodology, teams use a plan broken up into milestones. This means that there’s always something achievable to work towards. It also makes progress much easier to track.

Promotes Flexibility

When you’re developing an app, several factors go into creating the final product. Along the way, certain things will snag and need changing or replacing. An agile approach promotes a development nature in which changes don’t cause panic and instead answered quickly and efficiently. The design of agile methodology leaves room for mistakes as well, so even problems created within the development team won’t completely derail the development process.

Focuses Heavily on Quality

When many people first consider an agile methodology, they make the mistake of thinking that the process sacrifices quality for speed. However, agile technique puts the quality of an app to the forefront of the development process. The methodology even encourages frequent app testing which ensures that developers catch any problems within the app early on when it’s easy to correct them.


There are many potential approaches to developing an app. If you’re looking for one that offers flexibility, emphasizes quality, encourages collaboration, and speeds production, the agile methodology is exactly what you’re looking for. It offers all of these features as well as cutting down on development costs and breaking the project up into easy-to-track goals.

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