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Zoom Launches a Touchscreen Device for Remote Workers

As you already know, you can hop on a Zoom call from your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. You just need to connect to the internet and put on a shirt– no pants needed. But if you’re working remotely indefinitely, and prefer something a little fancier and more streamlined for Zoom meetings, you’re in luck.

Zoom announced a new appliance called Zoom For Home– DTEN ME, a 27-inch ultra-thin portable touchscreen device that comes equipped with three smart webcams and eight built-in noise-reducing microphones, and it’s preloaded with the Zoom software.

The DTEN gives you quick access to your scheduled meetings, contacts, whiteboards, and annotation. You can also sync your calendar, keep tabs on your upcoming meetings. and share your screen.

” With employers and employees working through what the future of work will look like, it is important that people feel set up for success,” said Rich Costello, Senior Research Analyst, IDC. “Three months ago, it was making sure employees had the right ergonomic setup. “We’ve now moved to the phase of making sure employees have the right devices to enable productivity. The Zoom from Home category is a powerful way for the company to reach a work-from-home audience that craves tools to help with engagement, connection and collaboration.


For $599 you get a 27-inch contact screen alongside 1080p goal and 16:9 angle proportion.

The screen has three cameras introduced which give video calling a superior look alongside a 8-mouthpiece cluster and coordinated speakers. With these speakers, the sound quality is superior to the PCs. The mouthpiece pickup extend is maxed 16 ft.

The gadget associates through WIFI or Ethernet and furthermore contains a HDMI port. The all out weight of the screen will be 6.5 kg.

The touch screen will be utilized so as to share screen or imprint anything during introductions.

You can do everything on this gadget that you previously doing on PCs however with further developed mics and best outcomes through the camcorder.

Already Zoom was intensely censured over its questionable security rehearses before the pandemic and toward the beginning of the pandemic. In spite of the fact that the organization managed to cover the provisos in the video conferencing application and its security.

$599 for just Zoom from Home is a too significant expense tag and the gadget will to be sent in August.

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