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 How to create and upload torrent files

Torrents are great, they are the best way to share large files with your friends, or even with people you don’t know at all. But surprisingly enough, not many people create torrents file when they need to share something.So, if you’re looking for how to create a torrent file, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll teach you all you need to know.

Creating Torrent Files: The Basics

You might be wondering what do you need to create a torrent files, or why would you do this in the first place? Well, there are many good reasons why this kind of file transfer is useful. This can be easy to see if we compare it to traditional uploading.

Today, most people use cloud services to upload and share files. There’s nothing wrong with this, and there are numerous great free-of-charge cloud services. However, let’s say that you want to share a family movie as soon as you can. Uploading that large file to a cloud takes a lot of time. This means waiting for hours, if not days, for the movie to be fully uploaded prior to sharing. Well, torrent eliminate that waiting time – making your movie ready as soon as you create and share a torrent files.

Important Requirements

Before we dive any deeper into how to create a torrent files, let’s check out the requirements. Lucky for you, there are only two things that you need to meet:

How to Create a Torrent Files: Quick & Easy Guide

After a short introduction, let’s jump to what you want to know. Here’s how to create a torrent files, the easy way. Keep on reading.

Once you’ve created the torrent files, remember that you are the first seeder. This means that you need to keep uTorrent open and make sure you’re seeding it.

How to Upload a Torrent Files?

Now that you’ve created a new torrent files, you can simply send it over to your friend. They will be able to use it by adding the file to uTorrent – which will begin to download the file immediately. However, you can also upload your torrent files and make it available to just about anyone. Here’s how that can be done.

Final Thoughts

That’s about all when it comes to how to create a torrent files. if you want to know about How to Download Torrents .In case you have any doubts or additional questions, don’t hesitate to ask us. Use the comments section below to leave us a comment.

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