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Best Management Tools for your Mac Window

Managing many windows on your Mac is a very difficult task. Since they tend to overlap, might be your display gets cluttered and takes up valuable workspace. Unluckily, the built-in window manager does not give you so many features to solve this problem.

Mac window manager is a name of a collection of many applications that will help you in organize and resize windows with built-in shortcuts, mouse clicks, and gestures. We’ll discuss here some of the best window management applications for your Mac to keep your desktop in an organized manner.


Magnet is a very simple tool to organize and manage windows to different positions on the screen. Window snapping is possible via drag-and-drop, keyboard shortcuts, and the application’s menu. This organized window eliminates the need for application switching and gives you more workspace efficiency.

To get started it, you have to drag your window to a particular position or use the customizable shortcuts to fulfill the task by dragging them on your screen corner, the windows organize themselves into horizontal or vertical halves. When you drag them to the corner of the screen, they cover a quarter of the screen.

Great features of Magnet 


BetterSnapTool is packed with customizable window organizer features for your Mac. The tool lets you change the position and size of your windows very rapidly by dragging them to the top, left, or right edges, as well as the four corners of your screen.

To do the task, open the tool menu and select Change Window Position or Size. Alternatively, you also assign a shortcut to snap the windows in your desire position. When you are snapping it, it’ll also show the preview of how the alignment will look on the screen. The options also listed in the snap locations which are customizable, so you can easily disable that one’s which you’ll never use.

Great features of BetterSnapTool


Having lots of open windows on Mac can be problomatic, especially when you’re focusing on a particular task. HazeOver is a distraction dimmer that highlights or forwards the active window and hide the ones in the background.

It keeps you in the control of configuring of this tool intensity and speed to your liking. To perform the task, go to Preferences > General and then rotate the wheel to tweak the dimming percentage. Instead of this you also set up a hotkey and trackpad gesture to maintain the intensity of 20 percent increments.

Great features HazeOver’s 


 As you know, your windows might be overlap with each other. A tiling window manager tool organizes the application on your desktop into a well manner. It fulfills this task by putting your applications side-by-side, in rows, or using similar means. In this manner, you can easily utilize your workspace with great efficiency.

Amethyst is a great window manager tool that automatically positions your windows according to the one of its predefined layouts. It lets you move, focus, or cycle very easily by them with the press of a hotkey. F

For instance, in the Tall layout (Alt + Shift + A), the main window is present on the left side while auxiliary ones stack vertically on the right side of the screen.

Great Features of Amethyst


 In everyday tasks, you might want setting up window arrangement for every scenario. But when you using too many applications, keeping a consistent group of windows on the screen might be difficult for you. This Mosaic window management tool can help you for your Mac.

It not only manages your windows, but also assists you to categorize them so you always have them within reach. To start the task, grab your application window and drag it across the top over any one of the sizing options. You can also define a hotkey to present a layout picker for any your prefer application.

The Layouts tab gives you complete control over all the layouts. You have to just use the configurable grid to define the screen areas and set up a shortcut. You can also manage your layouts to suit the way you work by the Groups tab.

Great features of Mosaic


Moom is a customizable window manager tool that lets you instantly move and zoom your windows around the screen. To get started the task, move the mouse over any green zoom button and select your desired position with a popup palette. You can even drag a window to an edge or corner of the screen.

After some seconds, it will also show you a preview displaying the size and location of the dragged window. The tool also lets you configure a hotkey to click the Moom logo. With the keyboard-mode only custom commands, you can get to control the position of your windows at anywhere on the screen.

Great Features of Moom

Which Window Manager tool for your Mac you will choose?

Depending on your tasks, you may find it difficult to decide between these tools. For instance, with Magnet vs. BetterSnapTool, they’re both are excellent Mac window management tool with great features. BetterSnapTool gives you lots of unique features such as custom snap areas, various ways to snap windows, and a great integration with Desktop Spaces.

Mosaic and Moom are professional tools that give you customized solutions to window management problems. They’re expensive, but both of them are great. Mosaic also has a bit of a learning curve; you may not be able to choose it during the trial period.

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