
Make Life Easier with a Domain Name Generator Tool

A Domain Name Generator Can Make Your Life Easier 

A domain name is a web address. It’s what users type into the address bar on their browsers to reach your site. By using an available domain name generator, you can quickly find a name that’s appropriate for your business.

If you want to have an online presence, you need to choose and purchase a domain name. Even if you’re not quite ready to build out your website, you should secure your domain for future use. Not only will a website boost your business’ image but it will improve brand awareness and increase credibility.

Domain Name Types

Before you start plugging words into a free domain name generator, you should know about the different types of domain names. You’re no doubt already familiar with .com domains since this is the most common domain extension. This is called a top-level domain and this limited list of domains also includes:

  • .org
  • .edu
  • .gov
  • .net
  • .mil

The above are generic top-level domains. If you want to localize your website, you may want to use a country code top-level domain such as .us or .eu. Depending on the nature of your business, it may be better to use .med or .shop. However, .com remains the most popular option for businesses and it’s the most memorable.

Choosing a Domain Name

Your domain name is extremely important, so you need to pick something that people can easily remember and pronounce. Your brand could be damaged if people can’t spell the name or say it correctly. Similarly, you want to avoid numbers and hyphens. Not only can these be difficult to remember but if the user makes a typo, they could end up on someone else’s site. As far as possible, keep your domain name short and simple. Using a short domain name generator can prevent a lot of headaches.

It may be tempting to try to piggyback on the name of a well-known brand but this is not a good idea. Not only can the brand get confused but you could find yourself in legal trouble. Never use a name that can get mixed up with an existing business. In any case, your domain name should be related to what your business does so customers don’t get a shock when they land on the site. Using keywords related to your niche is also good for SEO and the right domain name can improve your business’ rankings on Yahoo and Google. 

Direct Line Development’s domain name generator tool will allow you to experiment with various keywords until you find the perfect mix.

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